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Isabel Ruiz Perdiguero.jpeg

Isabel Ruiz Perdiguero


the fair

What is Artist360


We place the artist and her/his work as the primary axis of our exhibition project: we possibilitate the visitor to enjoy the artist presence, to talk with, to share her/his project and to "submerge" in her/his work without the usual conditioning factors found in conventional spaces.

​Artist360 fosters an environment where direct interaction with the artist is emphasized in all its dimensions.

A different proposal


Artist360 was born as a response to the difficulties currently experienced by countless artists in the development of their professional careers.
Experiences that the organizing team, also as artists, have known first-hand during their professional careers.

The difficulty of entering the art market in a scenario where very few art galleries have survived; the impossibility of participating in art fairs to which only a few galleries have access to; the high costs of participating in alternative events, etc., are some of the numerous obstacles that hinder the today complicated artist´s career.

Nuevo corner

Fucar 22 Art Gallery


invitamos a otras galerías

Desde Artist360 queremos extender la iniciativa a otras galerías de arte que estén interesadas en esta novedosa propuesta expositiva. Una nueva dinámica para desarrollar sinergias conjuntas  y oportunidad de compartir esfuerzos para llegar a un público más amplio, enriqueciendo su oferta expositiva. 

Interesados pueden contactar a través de nuestro email :

Cani Navarro

mixed media


key moments


Artist360 holds specific art fairs at key moments of the annual artistic calendar, guaranteeing the continuity of its exhibiting events throughout the year.  To comply with this mandate, our  next edition will take place in September 2023 during the Madrid´s Weekend Gallery - APERTURA, which is and essential week for art in the capital of Spain.

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Obras en exposición

Alan Durst (Ciudad de México, 1997)

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